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St Saviour's RC Primary School

St Saviour's RC Primary School

Policies & Statutory Information

All areas of school life are covered by a range of policies, which reflect current practice. These are regularly reviewed and updated by the staff, and then presented to the Governing Body for approval.

We are always open to comments or suggestions by pupils and parents regarding any of the policies.

Please contact the school office if you would like information on any aspect of school policy.

A selection of policies are available below:

 Admissions Policy

Behaviour Policy

Charging and Remissions Policy

Data Protection Policy

Equality Policy and Data Review

Governors Allowance Policy

Health and Safety Policy

Safegurding Policy

Attendance Policy

Complaints Policy

Uniform Policy

Support for Pupil Medical Condition Policy

Teacher Pay Policy 

Below is our SEND Policy and Information Report:

SEND Policy and Information Report

Relationship and Sex Education and Health Education information:

RSE Policy

RSE Overview

RSE Curriculum